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My condition was the same, me and my sister (Both PR) here in NZ and want to sponsor our father (widowed). He also has no body back home and want to stay with us. Just when I finsghed my three years rules changed to sponsor our father. Gotta wait for another year now.
I am not sure if work visa category would work. job needs to be in skilled category which has to relates to her past exeriances.
Can you please tell me how you go with work visa if you gonna try? Would love to take your advice in my fathers case as well.
Same situation here as well. My mum just used up (almost) 18 months of Multiple grandparent visitor visa which valid for 3 years. So yea we will need to wait for another year and see how is the new policy from INZ regarding Residence visa for Parent but I think I will need to re-apply 3 years multiple visitor visa again (Quite believe we won't get residency before that time).
Good luck for all of us