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Thread: Points in EOI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    New Zealand

    Default Points in EOI


    I recently got a reply to my email that I've sent somne time ago to INZ. From what I read on this forum there was a possibility to claim points with EOI that you don't have yet but you'll have them at the time of lodging the actual visa application. For example for work experience or when 12 months will pass and you can get points for partners qualification. But to my question if I can claim points with EOI that I don't have yet but I will soon enough the answer was:
    "No, you can only claim for points in your EOI that you actually are able to meet at that time, anything else would be considered to be providing 'false and misleading' information."

    Does it actually mean that after living together 11 months we cannot lodge EOI if we need partner points??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I think you have been reading with wishful thinking. It is well known that INZ will not accept anything in advance of the facts. I answered this to you here. From that old post: "HOWEVER, notice R2.1.15.5 i - if the main applicant's case needs something from the partner, and the couple don't have 12 months' evidence, the application would be refused."

    Does it mean you can't claim points in advance? - YES, IT DOES mean that. You can't submit a form, which is a legal document, saying that (whatever statement) is fact, when it is NOT yet a fact. You may have all good intentions and sincerely intend that x will happen at the expected time, but unforeseen events can stop that happening.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    I think you have been reading with wishful thinking. It is well known that INZ will not accept anything in advance of the facts. I answered this to you here. From that old post: "HOWEVER, notice R2.1.15.5 i - if the main applicant's case needs something from the partner, and the couple don't have 12 months' evidence, the application would be refused."

    Does it mean you can't claim point in advance? - YES, IT DOES mean that. You can't submit a form, which is a legal document, saying that (whatever statement) is fact, when it is NOT yet a fact. You may have all good intentions and sincerely intend that x will happen at the expected time, but unforeseen events can stop that happening.
    I thought you were reffering to actual application not EOI there... cause we wanted to apply after living together for 12 months. But if that's not possible we will have the trouble applying for a temporary visa later. We live together since 15th May and visas expire on 12th July which means it would be hard to get ITA and then one and then second visa in less than 2 months...
    Last edited by pinang; 19th November 2016 at 08:24 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    As long as you lodge the application for the new Essential Skills visa before the old one expires, you will be issued automatically with an interim visa to keep you legal while they finish processing it. (Don't forget about the partner's visa also, if required, if dependent on the main applicant's work visa.)

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