Hi all, we currently live in Albany, north shore. There is a big possibility that the hubby will be getting a new job where he can work remotely. So we are thinking of moving to south of Auckland. We have been down to Rotorua a number of times and like the area, but I'm wondering if Tauranga area is better in terms of what it has to offer. We have a 4 year old, so will be looking at schools in the next year too. I know each area has good and not so good schools. But does anyone have young kids in either of those places? Also what are the best area with in each place? Don't want to live in the centre of a busy town/city so a more rural location is preferable, but we only have one child so needs to be near enough to activities. She does love the beach/sea so Tauranga wins over Rotorua on that score... we will of course take a trip down there but any insights will be welcome. Also any recommendations for kindles and schools would be great.