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Thread: Tauranga vs Rotorua

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    new zealand

    Default Tauranga vs Rotorua

    Hi all, we currently live in Albany, north shore. There is a big possibility that the hubby will be getting a new job where he can work remotely. So we are thinking of moving to south of Auckland. We have been down to Rotorua a number of times and like the area, but I'm wondering if Tauranga area is better in terms of what it has to offer. We have a 4 year old, so will be looking at schools in the next year too. I know each area has good and not so good schools. But does anyone have young kids in either of those places? Also what are the best area with in each place? Don't want to live in the centre of a busy town/city so a more rural location is preferable, but we only have one child so needs to be near enough to activities. She does love the beach/sea so Tauranga wins over Rotorua on that score... we will of course take a trip down there but any insights will be welcome. Also any recommendations for kindles and schools would be great.
    Last edited by Shumba; 18th November 2016 at 03:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    New Zealand


    Hi Shumba,
    You seem to already have a pretty good idea of what you are looking for in life (in terms of the living options of both cities) so it will be difficult to add to what you have posted. Which city will be best will really depend on how much you prioritise different things in life. The things I could add are:

    Tauranga has significantly more businesses – more shopping, more employment opportunities overall, more schools etc. It also has the great beaches from Mount Maunganui to Papamoa – not to mention most suburbs are very close to the sea – with many houses having views of the sea.
    Rotorua has the nice lake, the tourism-based businesses (such as the luge, the hot springs etc.) that Tauranga lacks, and a more central location to visiting other towns and cities in NZ (such as Taupo, Hamilton, Napier, Gisborne etc.)

    Rotorua’s geothermal smell can be off-putting, and Tauranga’s very spread out layout can make travelling around the city a little annoying, but neither are major problems whatsoever There are some lovely rural and semi-rural options within both cities if you would prefer a lower density styled living option. I could comment on the “best” areas and “worst” areas in each city, but it would overall depend on what you’re looking for and what you are used to in an area. There are definitely more affluent neighbourhoods, as well as more socially-deprived neighbourhoods in both cities – but they are not necessarily always important to some people.
    I can’t comment too much on the schools in both cities (other than what I’ve heard and read etc.) but the best way to find out is to contact the schools individually and actually look at them yourself. You’ll get a better feel for them and their suitability if you visit yourself (people’s opinions can be unreliable with school ratings to put it nicely).

    Overall, based on what you’ve mentioned in your initial post, I’d probably recommend Tauranga over Rotorua, as I feel it will probably suit you better. I’d also recommend somewhere like Bethlehem or Tauriko in Tauranga if you’re looking for a quieter, more rural lifestyle there (both suburbs are very wealthy and beautiful as well!). Both cities are only about 45 minutes away from each other by car travel anyways so are very much visit-able on weekends etc.

    I hope this helps,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    new zealand


    Thank you Ansistent - that's really helpful. We'd def make a trip down to chat to the schools and look at areas but just wanted some opinions. Leaning more towards Tauranga - with all the nice weather this week i've been down at the beach with the little one almost everyday! Have found 3/4 good looking kiddies around the Bethlehem area so glad to hear that it's a good area. hopefully we will know in the next week or two.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Shumba View Post
    Thank you Ansistent - that's really helpful. We'd def make a trip down to chat to the schools and look at areas but just wanted some opinions. Leaning more towards Tauranga - with all the nice weather this week i've been down at the beach with the little one almost everyday! Have found 3/4 good looking kiddies around the Bethlehem area so glad to hear that it's a good area. hopefully we will know in the next week or two.
    I'm happy to help Yes Bethlehem is lovely I've posted on your other thread as well to help you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    new zealand


    Thank you! Think we have settled on Tauranga, got the little on enrolled in a couple kindles - just to be on the safe side and will head down early Jan to have a look at areas to live in.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Winnipeg -> Tauranga


    we are in Tauranga and my daughter is at Oropi school, which is a rural primary. It is a fabulous school, but has switched to enrollment zone recently. Really cant speak highly enough of it. We love parts of Tauranga - school is great, weather, beaches. Its very expensive though, and Im not crazy about any of the high schools for instance. We go down to Rotorua occasionally, and really they are incredibly different towns!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    new zealand


    kdok - would you say you prefer Tauranga then. There is loads of talk up her that Tauranga is a mini auckland - and getting as expensive, which is part of the reason we want to move.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Winnipeg -> Tauranga


    I wouldnt personally want to live in Rotorua - I like being near beaches, and it comes across as either pretty gritty or tourist, depending on what part of town you are in. just not my cup of tea. That said, we wont stay in Tauranga long term, as the housing is just not affordable enough for us. Compared to Auckland, it would be, but compared to where we are from, we could just never buy a house here.

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