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Thread: Where to retire - nice environment without isolation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Default Where to retire - nice environment without isolation

    This is the first time I have used any forum so hope it works and that I don't mess up too much.

    We are considering returning to NZ after 40 years in UK and Europe. Yes, 40 years is a long time.....we had our reasons. Now our reason has grown up and flown to the antipodies himself - but not NZ. We want to return to NZ where my husband is from (3rd generation Kiwi) and where I went to school and grew up very happily indeed. Can't afford to return to Auckland and actually, with all respect, it is nothing like it was 40 yrs ago.

    We'd like to live in not too much isolation as being in EU and UK has got us used to being amongst a community and not too far away from things. We love nature, beach and country walks as well as the convenience of a small town cinema etc. without it being a large, busy place. We are both retired so work is not an issue.

    We seem to have considered so many locations and now feel very confused. Places considered : Picton & Blenheim ... availability of houses in Picton isn't good and it now seems Blenheim (following recent awful earthquake) might not be the ideal place to take up retired life.

    We've also thought about Cambridge but wondered if it might be very quiet.
    Whitianga - we love but it is quite a way up the peninsular and again.....difficulty in availability of houses.

    Finally wondering if anyone knows anything about Thames as a place to live. In fact if anyone has information/opinions on any of the above places I would be very happy to hear your views.

    I know this is very, very vague and I would love to be able to narrow our search down a bit.

    Any thoughts or suggestions would be gratefully received.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Hawke's Bay -New Zealand


    Cambridge is a very nice place, it would be quiet but then you have the city of Hamilton 20 minutes away.
    I quite like Thames it's a bit olde worlde but a great location if you like the sea & surf, it's also the gateway to the lovely Coromandel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Fern49 View Post
    Cambridge is a very nice place, it would be quiet but then you have the city of Hamilton 20 minutes away.
    I quite like Thames it's a bit olde worlde but a great location if you like the sea & surf, it's also the gateway to the lovely Coromandel.
    Perhaps you might want to consider Greytown or Nelson - or what about eg Sumner (don't need to go to Christchurch except when you want) - nice beach and walks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    North Canterbury, New Zealand


    Quite a low of small towns would meet your requirements. Rangiora, for example has all those things and is very popular with expats. It is a lively little town that has really started to look good again after the earthquake rebuilds. The same cannot be said of Christchurch but the city, airport etc are only 30 minutes away.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    What about Napier? We've only visited once, but we loved the winery scene, seaside promenade area, and the nice restaurants. We had a great farmstay just a few minutes outside of town at the home of a winemaker. It wasn't pretentious-feeling to me, either.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Scotland to Wellington


    Have you thought about the Kāpiti coast? Close enough to Wellington, great beach walks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    I second Napier, but if would stay overseas. I believe New Zealand changed a lot, not for the better. Retire in Spain or Italy. Cheap houses, lower costs, relaxed people, better food. less insane traffic, better weather as well...should I go on? Good luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Hawke's Bay -New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Lazysnapper View Post
    I second Napier, but if would stay overseas. I believe New Zealand changed a lot, not for the better. Retire in Spain or Italy. Cheap houses, lower costs, relaxed people, better food. less insane traffic, better weather as well...should I go on? Good luck!
    Changed a lot, in what way.?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Timaru! close to beaches, lakes mountains and great town atmosphere. Not too small (has a cinema) not too big.

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