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Thread: Garden Tools and Sports Gear: What is clean enough?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    United States

    Default Garden Tools and Sports Gear: What is clean enough?

    I'm in the early stages of packing a full container. Lots of questions when it comes to the shed and sporting gear. I've got it that garden tools and dirty shoes can cause problems. But how do you define 'clean'? I know that sounds funny. But, for example, what about the shovel with a wooden handle that got left out in the rain quite a few times and has a cracked and discolored wood handle. Is it adequate to sand it down a bit and give it a good coat of linseed and thinner? Or is it better to just bring the metal part? Should I paint the old wheelbarrow? Or is pressure washing it going to be enough? Are rusted nuts and bolts and hand tools going to be a problem? How about pvc pipe fittings that have gotten a little grimy? (I dunked them in bleach and they now look good, but not perfect. Is than enough?) My weed wacker . . . I've hit it hard with the pressure washer, and a bit of degreaser. But nothing seems to remove the grass stains. Is a little staining ok if there's no visible dirt? Is it ok that there's some grease back in hard to reach places?

    and is anyone going to notice that my Oriental rugs haven't been washed for years?
    Last edited by sandgrubber; 15th February 2017 at 02:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    "Clean" is in biosecurity terms. They don't want anything that can sustain life - for instance, eggs or larvae, earth-y kind of dirt that may have microbes in it, mud etc. that might have seeds sticking to it, cobwebs ditto (and eggs). Rust and stains are no problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016


    We moved to NZ in November last year and have just received our container. Customs checked the boxes that had camping gear in it only. I didn't take much just a small tent and a camping stove etc. I only cleaned the underside of the tent which had mud stains on it. I did clean the bikes and most of the shoes, but not the smart shoes that looked clean anyway. I was told to clean them with Milton disinfectant (which I did, except the tent) as if they test some there sensors will pick up the cleaner and it looks like you have done a good job. I'm not sure on what actually happens but this is what I was told and what I did with no issues. I also bought a few tools with wooden handles with no issues.

    My personal beleif is that things just need to look clean enough not to be a threat. I didn't worry about mud stains etc, just got the physical lumps off.

    All the best, its a very stressful time, but its worth it. Also, if your not sure and you can afford it bring it. Furniture can be costly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    United States


    Thanks for the replies. What a relief to know that standards aren't ridiculous.

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