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Thread: breast cancer risk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Question breast cancer risk

    I was wondering if anyone knows the standards regarding risk of breast cancer? Or if there are any standards? Knowing that the medicals are intended to weed out anyone who could be a drain on their healthcare, I don't know how high they set the bar. Personally speaking, I don't seem to be particularly in a danger zone but had some biopsies two years ago, and a somewhat elevated risk.

    I don't know if this is the kind of info INZ would post, or if they keep such criteria to themselves...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Here are the official instructions to doctors who are going to be doing medicals for INZ purposes.

    Here https://onlineservices.immigration.g...nual/46506.htm are the official guidelines.

    As you can see in the latter, actual malignancies are mentioned as a possible block to a visa, but not previous investigations which turned out to be nothing.

    These days, medicals are scanned by computer for potential referral to an MA (a knowledgeable human who will need to understand the applicant's state of health before stating if it's acceptable). The parameters for the scan aren't shared anywhere, but from what has happened to other people on the forum, it looks likely that, besides the list at A4.10 on the link above, there are probably other key words which trigger a referral. The MA has the power to require tests or doctor's/specialist's reports, until s/he thoroughly undestands the present situation. Since the computer scan is a rather blunt instrument, there are many medicals that come before them that must only require a quick glance to see that there's nothing to be investigated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Thank you, quite helpful and encouraging info

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