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Thread: Renewing Partnership Visa

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    New Zealand

    Default Renewing Partnership Visa

    Hello Everyone,

    My partner's partnership work visa (temporary) was approved in June. Now, we are compiling application for for visa renewal. I was wondering if we are supposed to submit old evidence that we had submitted with the past application with our new application?

    I am confused.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Yes. Your new application will probably not go to the same CO, and maybe not even the same office, as the last one. It is much easier for the new CO to look at papers on their desk than to have to try to access what may have been scanned into the computer last time. If you have to send copies, and/or if not all your evidence was returned, put in a note to say "originals with successful application for x visa, at y office on x date" so they can make the connection if they HAVE to.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    Yes. Your new application will probably not go to the same CO, and maybe not even the same office, as the last one. It is much easier for the new CO to look at papers on their desk than to have to try to access what may have been scanned into the computer last time. If you have to send copies, and/or if not all your evidence was returned, put in a note to say "originals with successful application for x visa, at y office on x date" so they can make the connection if they HAVE to.
    Thank you so much as always. I appreciate your response.

    I have another query. In the office finder, we saw that my student visa application (paper) is to go to Palmy and his partnership visa application is to go to office in Auckland. I was wondering if it would be better for me to apply online for my student visa (as it is easier to apply online) since our applications will go separate ways anyways.

    Thank you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    Hi there,
    I applied my residence on partnership based on 9th of oct 2017. Co is assigned on 7th of December .
    Today my co called my husband and asking few question about the relationship history and when we will celebrate the culture marriage .
    so, Is any one had some experience as some or what will happened next??

    second question is my temporary work visa is finishing on 27th of feb in 2018 ,should i have wait for till my residence application decision or should i have apply for the new work visa ??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    First part - I replied to your question elsewhere.

    Second part - you could have waited to see if the residence visa would come through in time. (INZ can issue an interim visa to keep an applicant legal during processing of an application for any temporary visa, as long as they have applied while the old visa was still valid, so someone in your situation could apply for another work visa in the last few days, if residence had not arrived yet.) But there is no problem with doing what you have done.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    First part - I replied to your question elsewhere.

    Second part - you could have waited to see if the residence visa would come through in time. (INZ can issue an interim visa to keep an applicant legal during processing of an application for any temporary visa, as long as they have applied while the old visa was still valid, so someone in your situation could apply for another work visa in the last few days, if residence had not arrived yet.) But there is no problem with doing what you have done.
    thank you so much for reply

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