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Thread: The joy of finding short-term rentals

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Yes, you are definitely allowed to seek work and have job interviews. I still need to find where I read that, because it was surprising to me that we weren't supposed to schedule interviews before arrival. It probably complicated matters that we were coming as an entire family for a 6 month visit, which to INZ could look like we were trying to jump the gun and possibly overstay.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I would have been surprised if it had changed. It's always been the case that it was okay to job-hunt and go through the process all the way short of actually starting with a company, and for THAT, you have to wait till you have an appropriate visa.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    I would have been surprised if it had changed. It's always been the case that it was okay to job-hunt and go through the process all the way short of actually starting with a company, and for THAT, you have to wait till you have an appropriate visa.
    Okay I read back through my old posts and found out where that pesky information was. While you are absolutely correct in the above statement, I was able to find the page where it says if you are traveling in order to attend a job interview, you must declare the purpose of your visit to be "business."

    We didn't want to have to declare business as the purpose, because business visitor visas max out at 3 months, and we wanted to stay 6 months, and as a family.

    So, in order to not get into that grey area with our bona fides, we did not schedule any interviews. Once you are in NZ on your visit, you are clear to firm up those interview times and do anything else you like to seek work (as long as you do not actually START work, obviously, and even volunteering is only ok if you gain absolutely no compensation, not even room and board, or job training). It might be a case of getting all worked up over something INZ won't really ask you at the border, but you never know.

    Anyway, here is my old thread that goes into great detail about our research into coming to NZ for our "look see decide" in order to find a job while still being on a genuine "visit."

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    To briefly return to the original topic of this thread, we just signed a 6 month rental agreement for a house in New Plymouth :-) It was getting down to the wire, with our container arriving in port this Sunday. The importers needed a permanent address before then.

    We arrived back in NZ on October 25th, and have been in a "Homeaway" nightly rental since then. We found that this particular house was listed on both AirBnB and Homeaway, but was cheaper on Homeaway for some reason. When we extended our stay because we were still looking for permanent housing, the owner kindly offered us a reduced nightly rate. It sure beats a hotel! It's a really nice house right by the ocean, so we're getting our money's worth.

    We are quite pleased to be paying less starting next week, though. We found a 4 bedroom home in a great school zone for $500/week. The owners were fine with just a 6 month lease, but most homeowners like to have a 12 month lease. We like having the flexibility, because we may be eligible to buy a house in around 6 months, if our SMC visa comes through by then. Now that the foreign buyer ban is in effect, we have to wait until we have residence and have been here at least "183 days in the past 12 months," as well as tax residency, in order to buy a house.

    TradeMe remains the best way to find rental housing (and probably for finding homes for sale, as well). All the real estate agents post there.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Glad to hear everything is working out for you still.

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