i cannot wait to feel homesick! if it makes you feel any better life in england just gets worse by the hour. just last week people drove around a woman collapsed in the road - it turned out she'd survived an attack and dragged herself to the road - and not one crass soul bothered to stop... and this was gentil kent. i am glad people still want to live here as we have to sell our house, but i am soooooooooo looking forward to being back in nz and having the luxury of boredom. its like anything/ anywhere, you make your own life. you either grab it by the horns or let it trample you. in my experience - albeit 10 years ago - nz offers a huge amount of opportunity - and that is from someone who grew up in canada during its glory days. we are affluent londoners, my hub a young successful architect with his own practice, and still the restrictions shackle. what its like living here on less??? we are both dreaming the possibilities...
everyone always cites 'missing m&s' as a major trauma so lets put it in simple perspective - the way its going M&S won't be here in a few more years but all those people in kent will.