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Thread: 1year Essential Skills visa where an applicant received Skilled Migrant Category ITA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    South Africa

    Default 1year Essential Skills visa where an applicant received Skilled Migrant Category ITA

    Good Day All

    I just want to clarify

    We are offshore ( in South Africa) and have received a job offer in NZ. I want to know, If we receive an ITA do we qualify for the 1 year ESWV? Having no other Visa?

    I have conflicting information. If I understand the INZ manual correctly , we should already have a temporary work visa when applying for the ESWV through SMC.


    PS, sorry for the repeat post. previous was in wrong section

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Here are the requirements for the essential skills work visa. This visa has no direct connection with an application for residence under SMC, nor with any other kind of work visa. People in your situation often apply for both ESV and SMC, because the ESV can be processed more quickly than SMC, so it enables a worker to arrive in NZ and be working already, while their application under SMC is ticking along in the background, taking the time that it takes. The advantage of having applied under SMC and having had an ITA issued is that, if that has happened, the employer does not have to go through a labour market check before sponsoring you for the ESV.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017
    El Salvador


    A short querie about this topic. If you apply for a ESV under ISSL and this successful for a 3 years , then after this, you apply for a SMC after ITA notification, your 3 years ESV turn to 1 year?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    If someone been granted whatever visa, it stays in place until it expires, or until some other visa takes over from it (or, in a drastic and unusual event, if the holder is found to have committed serious crime, it is cancelled).

    So in the situation you mention, your 3-year ESV would continue to cover you until your application under SMC was processed and residence granted. If, for whatever reason, the application under SMC was refused, the ESV would continue for the full three years.

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