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Thread: SMC application lodged in September 2018

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    New Zealand

    Default SMC application lodged in September 2018

    Hi all,

    Is there anyone that has lodged their skilled migrant category in September and has heard back from a CO? My original documents were sent back within a week of me submitting my ITA, the fee deducted and an acknowledgement letter received within days, however I have not heard anything from INZ since then. I called INZ a few weeks ago and was told that the processing time is 6 to 14 months so I would not hear back from a CO before then. I have since looked at the processing timeframe online and it states 6 to 14 months. Does that mean that my application will be finalised anywhere in between these timeframes? I'm so confused, I thought the total timeframe for processing was initially 6 months and that I would hear back from INZ within 6 months but based on the conversation I had with the call centre, I shouldn't expect to hear from or be allocated a CO until it's been at least 6 months?

    Hope I am making sense. I'm sure you all would agree that as an immigrant, waiting for residency is the most nerve-wracking experience and everyday you are just waiting for some sort of sign that your case has progressed.

    Have a great day,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Hong Kong


    They said it's not necessarily the CO contact you and introduce themselves. Even if you hear nothing doesn't mean that nothing is happening.

    That's what they said here, so patient is the key.

    I have just started my waiting game, so good luck too!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Zee, it may help to know what happens when your application goes to INZ.

    First, it gets checked over by clerks to see that it APPEARS (without verifying anything) that you have supplied evidence of what you have claimed about yourself. Then it joins a date-order queue, waiting to get allocated to a CO. Every CO works about 100 cases in rotation. When one of the COs finalizes one or some of their cases and has room for some more, they are taken from the front of the waiting queue. Then they join the back of the CO's queue. When a file has worked its way to the front of the queue, it gets its turn for the CO's attention. S/He then starts to verify the evidence. Everything you sent will be checked. In many cases the CO will need to ask other people to reply to questions about the evidence, to check that it is true. The CO will send out queries, then your case will go to the back of the queue again, while s/he does everything possible on the next, and the next, and so on. When your file next comes to the front, the CO will see if any replies have come back so s/he can tick off any points as proved. This sequence goes on until every point is proved. If the CO needs any information or comment from you, s/he will ask, but otherwise, you won't hear from her/him. You don't get updates on the detail of what is happening.

    I'm afraid you're going to be waiting longer than you imagined. It's not that your case is complicated that takes the time, but waiting for its turns for the CO's attention, and also, that the CO is waiting for replies from other people.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    New Zealand


    Hi All,

    Just an update. Online status changed to approved today.

    My timeline is as follows:

    ITA lodged: 12/09/2018
    CO Assigned and in touch for further details: 04/12/2018
    Online status changed to APPROVED: 24/01/2019

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    That actually went quite quickly, then. Did you ever hear from the CO?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    New Zealand


    Hi JandM,

    Thank you! Yes I spoke with my CO several times. He got in touch to confirm the case had been assigned to him then asked for payslips, IRD summary and even had a medical referral which I immediately got my GP to address and MA surprisingly processed within a week of the follow up. Thanking the Universe for my lucky stars. Spoke again with CO today who informed me that I just need to wait for an approval letter now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    New Zealand


    CO also spoke with my Manager at work to confirm my employment.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    New Zealand



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    New Zealand


    Hi zara_veeee ,
    For how many moths CO asked payslips and IRD summary ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    New Zealand


    Hi dnsuriya,

    My CO asked for two latest payslips as well as a full tax year's IRD statement of earnings.

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