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Thread: New Surprise - Enlarged Thyroid with multiple Nodules (goiter)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    New Zealand, Residence pending

    Default New Surprise - Enlarged Thyroid with multiple Nodules (goiter)

    The NZ medical assessment is shining a bright light on a few things I never even knew about. Apart from my functional heart murmur which was concluded on an ECG, the chest x-ray revealed that my thyroid gland was larger than normal. Fast forward a day or two and I had to have an ultrasound of my thyroid which revealed:

    1. Only one half of my thyroid is enlarged.
    2. I have multiple nodules (bumps) on both sides.
    3. All of them of no concern, except one which was JUST over the 10mm size limit. So I have to have an FNA (where they stick a needle in your neck to check if it's cancerous or benign).
    4. Due to the enlargement, the ultrasound technician saw that it was putting light pressure on my trachea (windpipe). I have NO problems breathing at all. I exercise a lot and would have noticed any issues breathing - but, obviously I'll need to monitor as I get older.

    I did the FNA today which wasn't that painful and everything's good so far. I'll obviously have to spend more money going to an endocrinologist to write up an entire report containing the ultrasound and FNA results. My concern is that Immigration Health Assessors will have an issue with the "light pressure on trachea" bit, even though it poses NO risk at the moment.

    This is something that could take years to become an issue IF it even goes that way. Also, even if it becomes an issue, the operation or procedure needed to rectify it is very cost effective. I also hope they don't say something like "show us another ultrasound in 6 months" my wife and kids' visas are about to be approved and it would ruin everything.

    Has anyone here heard of people with goiters being turned away? Could a medical waiver be applied for something like this? It's not cancer, it's not heart disease, and even if it does present an issue - it's pretty easy to fix. If I look at the ops manual it shouldn't cause a denial. I sure as heck don't believe that I should remove my thyroid "in case" just to please immigration. That would be extremely unfair in my opinion.

    Hopefully, this is the LAST finding and my doctor can finally submit my application.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Oh, what bad luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    New Zealand, Residence pending


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    Oh, what bad luck...
    Have you heard of anyone being denied because of an enlarged (but normal functioning) thyroid? I tried searching the net and couldn't find a single example. Maybe it's because it's actually not a "serious" condition?

    Getting a cancer scare is NOT nice though. This immigration medical has pushed us through some hectic times. I hope the medical assessors are fair and don't hold us back for something as stupid as a goiter, especially since no cancer is present.
    Last edited by BoerieNZ; 28th November 2018 at 03:30 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Have you heard of anyone being denied because of an enlarged (but normal functioning) thyroid?
    No. You know the page with the conditions that are regarded as a 'no'. If there were to be a malignancy, it could become a different matter. Mind you, we have had a forum member some years ago who had had to have her thyroid removed because of cancer, and who was therefore on lifelong medication to replicate the function, and she, after many queries from MAs, eventually was declared ASH for a partner-sponsored residence visa.

    On what basis are you applying for Residence - i.e. is it under SMC, and is you or your wife the main applicant?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    New Zealand, Residence pending


    We are currently applying for a 5 year work visa under the essentials skills work visa option. My wife has a job offer and all the qualifications etc. She's the primary applicant and has no health issues at all, including the two kids aged 2 and 4. I'm the only one that's had these two findings:

    1. A heart murmur, proven to be functional. I asked my eMedical doctor if the Echo report would suffice and he assured me it was.
    2. An enlarged thyroid, only on one side, with no cancer and proven to function normally with NO medications necessary. There's literally nothing we can or "should" do about it other than keep an eye on it every year.

    I'm applying for a partner of a work visa, work visa. The two kids are applying for student visas.

    We intend to apply for SMC Residency 3 months after arriving in NZ. But we are dead scared that they're going to approve everyone except me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    That's good news. Even if you don't get passed ASH - and there's a good chance that you will - see this about Medical Waivers. A4.65 a iv.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    New Zealand, Residence pending


    Update: all tests done. I have what they call a benign, non-toxic nodular goiter affecting the left lobe of my thyroid. The current treatment for me is "ongoing monitoring" which amounts to maybe an ultrasound once a year. Apparently this is a very common medical condition.

    My doctor said we didn't have time to involve an endocrinologist (they are booked far out in advance) but we supplied:

    1. Blood tests showing 100% normal thyroid function.
    2. Ultrasound of the thyroid in its currenr state.
    3. A biopsy report proving that it is not cancer.

    I have spoken to my regular GP about this as well and her opinion was that with the tests and results provided, an endicronologist wouldn't be able to add more information other than also suggesting "monitoring".

    Reading this article, however,

    I fear that the INZ medical assessor is going to decline my visa as not "ASH". I know that "thyroid disease" is not on the list of inadmissable medical conditions, but we have all heard of medical assessors playing the "risk of incurring medical expenses" card on anyone that doesn't have perfect health. I don't have TB, HIV, Cancer, Hep or any disease which poses a danger - but I'm still scared that I'll be denied on something common and benign like this - and it's something I didn't even notice because it's so small.

    My application has been submitted and we are praying that it won't get denied as an inadmisseable condition.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Can relate to waiting and worried about getting denied!. I had HBP and cholesterol tests from cardiologist this last week. Never had cholesterol issues before, I shared it here via a separate post. Like you these aren’t things on this list that mean unacceptable health. In fact the cardiologist just recommended diet and Excercise changes for 3-6 months then reasses.

    I hoped others would share their experiences with MAs dealing but unfortunately nobody is. The forum is way less active than it used to be...people read your posts and say nothing back. Nnot sure what happened to this community. It used to be way more supportive. Pointing to medical guidelines isnot helpful as we all know those already.

    So yes, frustrating to wait and see. I will make changes in the meantime though. Really want to be a resident and love NZ! Keep though the faith!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    New Zealand, Residence pending


    Quote Originally Posted by KiwiChar2 View Post
    Can relate to waiting and worried about getting denied!. I had HBP and cholesterol tests from cardiologist this last week. Never had cholesterol issues before, I shared it here via a separate post. Like you these aren’t things on this list that mean unacceptable health. In fact the cardiologist just recommended diet and Excercise changes for 3-6 months then reasses.

    I hoped others would share their experiences with MAs dealing but unfortunately nobody is. The forum is way less active than it used to be...people read your posts and say nothing back. Nnot sure what happened to this community. It used to be way more supportive. Pointing to medical guidelines isnot helpful as we all know those already.

    So yes, frustrating to wait and see. I will make changes in the meantime though. Really want to be a resident and love NZ! Keep though the faith!
    I guess people are just busy. None the less, good luck with your application.

    Our situation is just a little frustrating because my wife is supposed to start in NZ with her job offer at the beginning of February 2019. Everyone else had a clear bill of health except for me. Unfortunately my "condition" isn't something that you can rule out surgery or treatment down the line. It might NEVER happen , or it could happen. My current status is that NO treatment is necessary, but the medical assessors look into their crystal balls and want to know what will happen 5 to 10 years from now. And in my case, no one can tell them for sure.

    So we are now praying together as a family that this "condition" of mine isn't deemed as a huge burden on the health system and that the medical assessors will see reason. We know that they are busy people who go through a LOT of applications, so it's easy for them to just go "YES" or "NO", but we really hope they look deeper than that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    not sure what happened to this community.
    As you will know, I've been around on this forum for many years. ENZ itself is still here, the same - an online platform for ordinary people to post about all things New Zealand immigration - but the organizers don't and can't MAKE those ordinary people post, and/or have things to say on different topics. I can tell you from that experience that the volume of posts here fluctuates, and there is a changing 'population'. We see people posting frequently when they are in the fact-finding stage of thinking about moving to NZ, and this continues when they put in an application and are dealing with the form-filling, then afterwards, with any questions from the CO. Alongside this, many have questions about areas where they might live, and particular issues about how things are done in ordinary life in NZ. Once those same people arrive, very often, their posts tail off, because they are getting used to NZ life for real, involved with their new work-mates and neighbours - there have always been only a very few who kept visiting ENZ, willing to help with pointers, after they got set up in the country. But then the next crop of people come along and go through the same pattern.

    However, the immigration laws in place at present in NZ are MUCH tighter than they used to be, so there is a smaller pool of people who can have a realistic expectation of getting a visa, compared with even - say - five years ago. I notice we get people who come onto a thread and ask a few questions, then we never see them again, and my guess is that they have realized that they haven't got the necessary qualifications, or a career that is in demand, so they don't bother going any further with it.

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