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Thread: Hiring someone working remotely

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    New Zealand

    Default Hiring someone working remotely

    Hi - just wanna know the rules/regulations for hiring someone (non NZ resident or work visa holder) working remotely (overseas) for a NZ company? What are the IRD and Immigration NZ guidelines for employers around it?

    Want to know in both cases i.e. if they are hired as a contractor; or if hired as part-time employee.

    Last edited by M.M.M.; 2nd February 2019 at 08:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    If the person is living overseas, there will be no INZ involvement at all.

    For the financial and tax implications, you would probably get the best information by searching the IRD website, which I have heard is also good about answering questions, and the website for the tax authorities in the country where the worker will be living. Notice, you can't tell for certain who is answering any question on the threads, to know whether they are experienced or not, and whether what may have happened to them is a good match for the arrangements you may want to make, and that is why I'm suggesting that you should approach the authorities.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand


    I think you can hire directly just like on Upwork where they will also get a Tax on the payment that you will get on your employer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by M.M.M. View Post
    Hi - just wanna know the rules/regulations for hiring someone (non NZ resident or work visa holder) working remotely (overseas) for a NZ company? What are the IRD and Immigration NZ guidelines for employers around it?

    Want to know in both cases i.e. if they are hired as a contractor; or if hired as part-time employee.

    Simplest if you hire them as a contractor. If they are staying overseas no need to worry about IRD or INZ - it's just another business expense from a supplier.

    What you do need to do is make sure:
    1) You don't pay them until the work is completed
    2) You have a written agreement in place of expectation etc

    But that's just good business practise. Not required!

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