5th March 2019, 05:27 AM
Hello Dave and thank you for sharing!
What did you do about insurance? The Crown's person that came around today was very nice, and really took his time explaining everything to us. He also mentioned insurance, which up until now we had naively assumed was included in the quotes (at least at a basic level). No such a thing, so I am now searching through the posts in this forum to get an idea of what others have done.
5th March 2019, 05:51 AM
A lot of people use Letton Percival, rather than whatever is offered by the removal company. As always, look carefully at exactly what the terms and conditions are on ANY policy you're offered - what value is covered, for what kind of loss or damage, and what excess you'd be expected to pay in the event of a claim - so you know you're comparing like with like before deciding.
5th March 2019, 06:29 AM
Thank you, JandM! Flight back to AKL booked for 25th March; stress levels are soaring around here
14th March 2019, 06:40 AM
Latest update:
Crown - £3,968.00, and the most expensive of them all. Maybe we've been unlucky but the person we are dealing with seems rather sloppy.
PSS - £3,598.00, and they also missed a couple of key points such as the fact that we asked for a price based on door to storage as opposed to door to door.
Pickfords - £3,680.00 and pretty straightforward
Burke Bros - £3,163.00 and by far the best so far in terms of service and attention to detail. Great communication, happy to explain things and good attention to detail. Coincidentally, they are also the cheapest.
Question: a couple of companies have mentioned 'Quarantine Inspection Fee'; am I right to assume that this is only applicable if your container has to be quarantined? We've been told NZD 392.00 - 500.00.
Insurance aside (all quoted separately), what else do we have to watch out for under the inclusions & exclusions? They all seem pretty much the same to me!
Thank you and have a great day
14th March 2019, 06:59 AM
Always good to hear people's experiences on this one.... we are soon heading in the opposite direction. Hubby is flying out in May and I will follow when the house is sorted (no children, no pets). I am part packing myself and its interesting to get the reactions of individual agents to this. I am not sure that some of the agents realise that their behaviours, communications etc has a big bearing on the likelihood of them getting my business. One guy got my name wrong when replying to my request for a quote and on a subsequent email was unbelievably condescending. His company will not be entrusted with my precious belongings - even if he personally comes nowhere near them !!
14th March 2019, 07:17 AM
BananaFace, you're extremely likely to have to pay for the inspection - see here. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/travel-and-r...sonal-effects/
Toffeegirl, good for you!
15th March 2019, 06:42 AM
Toffeegirl same here! The Crown rep misspelled my name in the quotation, and when I pointed it out he didn't bother replying. Best of luck with the move!!!
JandM thank you as always. Logic tells me that nothing can possibly go that wrong, but my anxiety-stricken self simply refuses to listen to reason! So... my question is: this fee is never included in the quotations, correct? I am just wondering whether it's something else that I need to take into account when comparing prices.
Another questions: am I missing anything? We still have the insurance to do... and we will probably need to shop around for storage in Auckland, although some of the quotes that we've had seem pretty reasonable. We will be staying with my parents-in-law while we look for a house, which is a huge pressure off our shoulders. All the paperwork that I need to apply for residency is put aside... Actually, if anyone has got examples of how they've gone about putting a home inventory together I would be every so grateful! I have made a start but only for boxes that I wanted to put aside myself in order to get some things out of the way, but I've seen posts of people who were very detailed and that sounds like the way forward.
15th March 2019, 07:38 AM
It's not a matter of things being WRONG so they'll want to inspect some of your stuff - it's like I mentioned before, that it's someone's duty to look at anything that MIGHT be a bio-security hazard, so if one of your boxes has e.g. garden furniture, or kitchen items, they'll have a look to check for mud, plant material, etc.. The transport company bills for having the container ready to open and finding those boxes. The MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries, the government body in the case) makes charges for doing the check.
Exactly who pays what, and what is included, is a matter to check in the small print of the contract(s) you're looking at.
Here's an old forum thread where people were talking about this. https://www.enz.org/forum/showthread.php?t=31714 Notice, the "MAF" they're mentioning is the old name instead the the modern-day MPI.
22nd October 2019, 11:23 AM
One last update on our move from the Cotswolds to Auckland:
- Burke Bros were outstanding! Communication, quoting, packing, pricing and the removal itself. I’d not hesitate to use them again.
- Insurance: we followed the recommendations here (thank you again, JandM!!) and went with Letton Percival. Best price and good communication; we can’t comment on the claim aspect as we didn’t have to make one
- Delivery and storage in Auckland: we still have half a dozen boxes, dining table & benches and our fridge freezer in storage (since July) with Conroys, Burke Bros’ local handler. Super-friendly and delivery was great, but a bit slack overall - got instructions muddled up and we found a pallet with our stuff that never got put into our storage unit (it was sitting on a high shelf nearby). Also, we think it’s costing too much for what’s less than half a unit space but we are still to shop around, so we may be wrong there.
A great day to all! 🌺🇳🇿
22nd October 2019, 07:40 PM
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