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Thread: Resident Visa partnership Timeline

  1. #1081
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Hi guys, I do have one question. My partnership residence visa was declined because I was deported and I had 5 year ban and i am offshore now.
    I and my partner lived together for 8 year before I got deported back to my country and then I applied for partnership residence visa from my home country and it was declined because of five year ban.
    Now 2 year 5 months left for my ban and my partner have some health issues and we both agreed that she won't travel in these bad times of covid19.
    As we have lived together 8 year but she won't be coming to visit me cose of health and covid concern. Do we still satisfy 12 month living together criteria as we have lived together for 8 years she visited me once before covid 19? Or we have to show recent 12 month living when my ban expire ? Isn't it just separation period?

  2. #1082
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    Refer to F2.5, F2.20(b) and F2.30 (it may not be a bad idea for you to read F2 in its entirety).

    Depending on the circumstances of your prior deportation from New Zealand, you may also require a character waiver per A5.25.

  3. #1083
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I don't think anyone can predict how your situation will be treated, Mr s - it's unusual. Apart from the links Kelerei has given you just above, I expect you have seen the INZ information page here, with the last paragraph being about Time spent living apart. You will need to provide as much information as possible about how you have maintained your relationship during your separation - communication, such as phone records and other message systems, how your finances work between the two of you, joint decision-making, etc.. So if you don't yet have a collection of evidence, it's important to start one, and to keep it up during all the waiting time. Here is an old post from EGoodhue, the LIA, talking about proving partnership in general, and what INZ will be looking for. But I'm sorry, there is nothing to say for certain what a future CO will think about your application when you are in a position to go ahead with it.

  4. #1084
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Thank you guys.. well I will be here in forum for few years. It's actually 2 years and 7 months left for my ban to expire So it's long time ahead and lot to do ..

  5. #1085
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    New Zealand


    Hi All

    Just want to ask about a case officer who has asked for my passport to be scan to their office.
    Is this a good sign that my application for partnership residency will be approved? And not sure if we still need to be interviewed or not. We hope the interview can happen during today's lockdown.

    Here is my timeline:

    July 18, 2021 - Submitted Application Online Partnership Resident
    July 21, 2021 - Immigration asked for my partner's ‘Name and Finger Print Check’ Police Certificate from Australian Federal Police, before the application progress.
    July 23, 2021 - Fingerprint was done and sent to OZ via post.
    August 13, 2021 - CO asked for more evidence of living together from July to August 2021 and has asked for my passport to be sent to their office.
    August 15, 2021 - Sent passport via Mail.

    And level 4 lockdown happened. Fingers cross!

  6. #1086
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    The CO asking for a scan of your passport just means that s/he wants sight of your passport, to be able to tick a box in the processing. Sorry, but it's not an omen of anything. It's certainly not *bad*, though.

    For security reasons during previous Level 4 lockdowns, officials could not take paperwork home to work on, which limited their ability to work out of the office. You may have to wait out this present lockdown till the CO has a chance to contact you again.

  7. #1087
    Join Date
    Sep 2021


    Hi everyone, just wanna share the partnership resident timeline for our case.

    12/May/2021 submitted the application online and received the invoice from immigration.
    absolute nothing in between....... haven't heard back anything or receive any email
    14/Sep/2021 Received the first contact from the immigration officer by email (asking for further evidence between July/2021 to Sep/2021 and send passport)
    15/Sep/2021 Submitted all required evidence and couriered passport for scanning.
    16/Sep/2021 Received email from INZ that it is Approved In Principle!! (just waiting for passport to be scanned so can issue visa)

    finally dancing banana time for us haha.

  8. #1088
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


  9. #1089
    Join Date
    Sep 2021


    not a timeline exactly, but can someone explain to me the difference in the statistics? Why is the number of accepted applications so low in 2021?
    And what does this statistics file mean, is that applications in total, but also including those that didn't get lodged?

    When I called immi last week, they told me the backlog for partnership work visa is quite long (apparently they started working on applications from beginning of may), but residency seems to be moving faster (applications from mid August). I find that hard to believe, I would expect this to be the other way round.

    I haven't seen many posts about partnership residency timelines from 2021, so maybe the numbers are actually really low?

  10. #1090
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    Quote Originally Posted by veelove View Post
    not a timeline exactly, but can someone explain to me the difference in the statistics? Why is the number of accepted applications so low in 2021?
    Don't know if you've been following the news, but there's a somewhat nasty bug called "Covid" going around...

    Travel restrictions, lack of flights, border closures, MIQ space... take your pick. There's no longer a supply of new migrants finding New Zealander partners, and there's no longer New Zealanders bringing foreign partners home.

    Quote Originally Posted by veelove View Post
    And what does this statistics file mean, is that applications in total, but also including those that didn't get lodged?
    That appears to be applications that have been lodged, but where a decision has not yet been made (either because it's awaiting for allocation to a case officer, or because the case officer is still working on it).

    The difference between the two is that the "Residence applications accepted" numbers are simply number of applications received, where the "Residence applications on hand" numbers provide insight to what the backlog of applications looks like. Completely different metrics between those two links.
    Last edited by Kelerei; 28th September 2021 at 01:43 PM.

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