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Thread: Wellington shops??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Masterton, NZ. Feb 2006

    Default Wellington shops??

    Hello Everyone!

    I'm here, I'm really here
    I've rented a cottage a a farm north of Masterton. I clocked it in the car, it is exactly equal distance to town as it is to my work at Mt Bruce.

    The landlords, have loaned me a table and chairs, mattress, dresser and microwave.

    I am struggling a bit as the cottage does not have a fridge!!
    I passed on a dorm fridge at a second hand shop and I am now regretting that.

    Anyway...I'm thinking I might pop down to Wellington this weekend and look around.

    Could you locals tell me about some nice second hand shops.
    I have looked at the 2 shops in Masterton, and 1 in Carterton, nothing there at the moment that I am interested in. Now that hubby has been here (did a fabulous job getting me all settled in- he's a gem!) and seen the prices of furnishing a household, his thinking of shipping over more than originally planned. I will just need a few more things to get by until he and the "stuff" arrive.

    So thrilled to be here. People are so lovely, the job is a far, so good. (am a tad lonesome without the hubby and the dogs).



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    Not sure on 2nd hand shops in welly im afraid - minds gone blank

    But if you do get lonely - I could always meet you for coffee in Masterton

    Welcome to the Wiararapa

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    UK>Welly>Boonies>where next?



    Susan and I have been to a few. I know one in Porirua, Susan will know the exact address. They do electrical stuff.

    There is a shop called Abel Tasman that does second hand goods in welly with a big Sally army next door. I know where they are but can look up the street name for you.

    There are loads about but they tend to be in the places like Petone, Miramar etc not really the CBD.

    Welcome to NZ.[img]images/smilies/rae%27s_dancing_banana.gif[/img] Don't be lonely, if you are in town we can meet for coffee.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    South of North Island


    Welcome to the Wairarapa

    Have a look on trademe as well they seem to always have a bargain.

    Unsure of any second hand shops in Wellington though. The only place I seem to recall having second hand goods was LV Martin at Ngauranga Gorge on the way into Wellington.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Another place to find secondhand stuff is Cash Converters, they have branches in most major suburbs as well as the CBD....Salvation Army can also be a good bargain hunting ground (its a good idea to let the manger know what you are looking for and they will contact you when something suitable is donated to them).
    Good Luck !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Palmerston North


    Yippeee for you, congratulations! We'll see you in July.

    I'm so glad you sound happy and as if you're settling in well. Keep us updated.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Wendy Willington


    There's the Sallies & some other furniture place on Ghuznee St in Welly...but only if you want overpriced, tatty crap. I'm assuming you don't

    There's heaps on Jackson St in Petone.

    Best bet by FAR though is trade me. I bought heaps of housey stuff on there for next to nowt.

    Good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Masterton, NZ. Feb 2006

    Default Thanks to All Wellies

    Thank you all.

    When I make it to Wellington, I will try to find the shops.

    I am currently bidding on 2 items on TradeMe!!
    Hopefully I'll have cool beverages this weekend--if I get the fridge!!

    Thanks again to all!!

    (10+ hour day at work today- sunburned and tired- heading to bed)


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Wellington, NZ

    Default Rental

    You can also rent one for a few bucks a week. I know at the corner of Dixon and Cuba there is a rental place that can get you a fride for $12 per week. This is what I did because I was not sure I was really settled yet, perhaps one more move when I buy a home. Thus, I did not want to commit to any heavy whiteware.


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