Hello Everyone!
I'm here, I'm really here
I've rented a cottage a a farm north of Masterton. I clocked it in the car, it is exactly equal distance to town as it is to my work at Mt Bruce.
The landlords, have loaned me a table and chairs, mattress, dresser and microwave.
I am struggling a bit as the cottage does not have a fridge!!
I passed on a dorm fridge at a second hand shop and I am now regretting that.
Anyway...I'm thinking I might pop down to Wellington this weekend and look around.
Could you locals tell me about some nice second hand shops. I have looked at the 2 shops in Masterton, and 1 in Carterton, nothing there at the moment that I am interested in. Now that hubby has been here (did a fabulous job getting me all settled in- he's a gem!) and seen the prices of furnishing a household, his thinking of shipping over more than originally planned. I will just need a few more things to get by until he and the "stuff" arrive.
So thrilled to be here. People are so lovely, the job is a dream...so far, so good. (am a tad lonesome without the hubby and the dogs).