Hello everyone
I was wondering if there were any frogs on the forum or anyone experienced with taking a dog from France to NZ?
We are planning our move for April with the whole family which includes our 85 pounds Rhodesian Ridgeback.
I have got only one quote from Bagagesdumonde/airtransportanimal at 5000€ just for transport (without paperwork nor quarantine). As far as I know there are only 2 companies operating in France, the other one being Goldenwaypets (who is not answering my calls or mails).
At this point we are considering handling everything ourselves (with the help of our vet who is very helpful) : permit to import & certificate A (at our regional official vet in Bordeaux), certificate B (at Roissy airport as they are the only one allowed to do it and seal the cage in France!), transporting doggy as an accompanying luggage (probably on Qatar Airways as they are the only ones accepting IATA cages big enough for him) and book the quarantine ourselves.
Did anyone try that and got through all the paperwork?
Any input or help would be appreciated.