
I submitted my application for NZ Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa in January. In March I received an auto generated email from eMedical advising that NZ needs additional medical information. After much back and forth with my Panel Physician I was finally able to obtain what information NZ required. It would seem the X ray shows a pericardial cyst and I am required to see a Cardiologist for further tests. My GP has gotten me a referral and I have an appointment June 8th.

I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of process holding up their visa? According to my online account my application is still in "Submitted" status so I do not have anyone assigned to my case, as far as I can see. Is there a means to contact INZ to let them know I am working on getting them further information that isn't calling and spending ages on hold long distance? Am I allowed to email this email address: inzhealth@mbie.govt.nz? It was listed in my eMedical email as a place to send further information.

I am feeling a bit stressed as we had planned to be in NZ come October.

Thank you in advance!