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Thread: INZ visa processing during lockdown

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    Oh, and...

    Quote Originally Posted by deverett View Post
    It's going to be a very interesting investigation for the ombudsman as A16.1 has now changed the day their investigation has commenced omitting the offending articles we have all complained to them about.
    I'm in agreement with JandM on this one -- the version of A16.1 at the time of your complaint will have to be taken into account.

    The most desirable outcome would be a fairer A16.1 after the COVID-19 pandemic. The new A16.1, while I believe it to be fair in the current situation (see my previous post), won't hold up after COVID-19: it will need to be revised again.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    New Zealand


    I don't think we can refute the new priority given the situation. I don't see it happening but it would be nice for those stuck in the SMC backlog (or managed queue whatever they are calling it) and now further delayed by this be granted some form of dispensation on the costs of new work visas that a lot will now have to apply for when the economy is screwed. A solution like temporarily granting of interim visas for those going from ESV to SMV whilst there is further delays due to reduced processing would make the situation a far nicer one for most of us. Whilst I'm lucky to be unscathed in all this and our application is still very valid due to that, my partner has seen significantly reduced hours and on one and a bit salary's $1000 for two new visa extensions is a significant amount of money we could really do without having to spend, INZ could implement temporary measures meaning we wouldn't need to spend it.

    I may follow up with the ombudsman on Monday just to update the complaint with the old A16.1 and inform them of the change made shortly after I received the email so they are aware of the relevant version of the operating manual too be investigating.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    You would hope that when we go to Level 2 some kind of normal service would be resumed. Obviously they would still prioritise visas for essential workers and renewal of temporary visas, but you would expect that processing of residence-class visas would be resumed in some capacity. Well I hope so anyway.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Preet91 View Post
    Hi Erin,
    I had a case officer working on my application Since June 2018. She requested some documents again which I sent and she acknowledged as received just a week before the Lockdown. Will they continue with the old applications or they will put these applications on hold as well? Thanks
    Unfortunately, if your application isn't in one of the categories near the top of the priority list, it will be on hold until 'normal operations' resume at INZ.

  5. #25
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    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Cotterbrian View Post
    Thanks for the excellent context Erin. I'm curious though, is this prioritisation solely regarding NEW applications or does it encompass ALL applications? In other words, for example if a RFW application is already with a CO but not yet approaved, will the CO now be obliged to deprioritise that and instead focus on any new visa applications that are higher up in the priority list (e.g. a new Student visa application?
    All applications right across the board, I'm afraid. New applications can be lodged, but won't be processed any time soon and will join the back of the long queue to wait their turn to be looked at.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    New Zealand


    Just a few things to keep in mind about the new processing priorities:

    1. These are not permanent and are in place only while the Covid-19 restrictions don't allow 'normal' INZ operations to be happening. They will be reviewed as the Alert levels change and the Government response develops. SMC won't be at the bottom of the pile forever

    2. INZ will no doubt revert to the previous version of A16.1 (or perhaps even a different one altogether) once the Covid-19 restrictions ease and normal operations resume. It's too hard to say if the priority allocation criteria for SMC applications will remain once INZ is back to processing normally.

    3. These priorities have been put in place because only a few staff are able to work at INZ at the moment - even once we move to Level 3, the Government advice is for people to work from home if they can so online applications can be processed remotely but paper-based SMC applications can't be.

    4. The particular visa categories that have made it to the top of the priority list have been chosen because they are likely to be the most straightforward applications to process at the moment, having not been affected by the changes in circumstances that this Covid-19 pandemic has had on many people (employment-wise and the like), and they won't require much further supporting information or verification.

    It's too hard to say how long this priority list will remain in place, and INZ haven't indicated whether it's to apply if we drop down to Alert Level 1 or 2. But at least it does provide some clarity on INZ's focus at the moment - even if that focus doesn't benefit many of you for the time being

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2016


    What about temporary residence via partnership?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Residence, whichever reason it is granted for, skills or partnership, is not temporary, but is for ever while the person is in NZ - it is the travel conditions (permission to freely re-enter the country) which only last for two years, so they then need to move on to PR.

    Any Residence category comes under #20, mentioned here.

    Partner of a New Zealander Work visas come under #18.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    New Zealand


    Things are moving at INZ.. we sent in our essential skills work visa application, partner work visa application and dependent child visitor visa application the week before the lockdown and today the money was taken and they appear as lodged in the system backdated to 20/03/20. Fingers crossed they’ll get to our SMC applications soon too 😊

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    New Zealand


    It doesn't surprise me to see that INZ is still able to take our money but not able to process anything.

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