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Thread: Work visa holder redundancy due to covid

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    I'm in the same boat. I have a 5 year workvisa (and currently applying for residency but this will take a while). So much uncertainty.
    If anyone does have an update, please let us know.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    New Zealand


    Still nothing signalled from INZ in terms of what they will put in place to deal with the undoubtedly large number of redundancies that are coming. I guess because we're still in the thick of lockdown and all INZ offices are still effectively closed (bar a very small number of staff who are processing health worker visas in the Wellington office), there's nothing to be done at present. But I daresay that plans are being worked on behind the scenes and all will be revealed once we are bit a closer to coming out the other side of lockdown. Sit tight people and I'll keep you updated as I hear it.

  3. #13
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    Aug 2019
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by EGoodhue View Post
    I'm giving my opinion from the point of view of dealing with INZ on a daily basis as it forms the basis of my job. I have several clients contacting me to ask questions every day and my source of the answers (INZ) are not forthcoming with them - and very basic things that should have been decided by them over a week ago when this lockdown was looming. I have been receiving proactive emails from a myriad of organisations on a daily basis, outlining what their response to the Covid-19 epidemic has been and several other organisations have well-organised updates on their websites. INZ's website is a mess of scrambled updates, written in no particular order and the same webpage is updated when there is a change with only some wording added or altered slightly so that one has to read through the entire page to try and spot the changes, rather than INZ having them set out clearly and separately. I am receiving Internal Administration Circulars on an almost daily basis this week, each with different messages and the messaging coming from the "crisis management team" that INZ set up last week are different again. Yes, this is an unusual situation, but there are some clear examples of organisations who are handling their comms around it well, and INZ is not one of those.
    I don't know how you do it. Every dealing with INZ I've had just infuriates me more and more and I couldn't imagine having to deal with them everyday.

    I have a chrome app called page monitor looking at the processing and queue updates pages. It pings the page at intervals you set up and notifies you when they change it with an option to show and highlight the changes including deletions and additions. You shouldn't need it but might be handy to point at some of these pages they update and save you reading the entire thing every time while they are operating like this.

  4. #14
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    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by deverett View Post
    I don't know how you do it. Every dealing with INZ I've had just infuriates me more and more and I couldn't imagine having to deal with them everyday.

    I have a chrome app called page monitor looking at the processing and queue updates pages. It pings the page at intervals you set up and notifies you when they change it with an option to show and highlight the changes including deletions and additions. You shouldn't need it but might be handy to point at some of these pages they update and save you reading the entire thing every time while they are operating like this.
    My sanity takes a hit every time I have a dealing with INZ I've lost count of the number of times I've told my husband that I'm not doing this job anymore, coz of the frustration INZ cause!!

    Thanks for the tip about the app - I'll look into it :-)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by EGoodhue View Post
    Still nothing signalled from INZ in terms of what they will put in place to deal with the undoubtedly large number of redundancies that are coming. I guess because we're still in the thick of lockdown and all INZ offices are still effectively closed (bar a very small number of staff who are processing health worker visas in the Wellington office), there's nothing to be done at present. But I daresay that plans are being worked on behind the scenes and all will be revealed once we are bit a closer to coming out the other side of lockdown. Sit tight people and I'll keep you updated as I hear it.
    This sounds really good

  6. #16
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    New Zealand


    This from an email sent to licensed advisers from INZ (I know it doesn't say much, but it does indicate that INZ are looking at options for how things will be different after lockdown):

    What about varying conditions of work visas and changing the definition of full-time work for migrants from the current 30 hours per week?
    INZ and other Government agencies involved in the COVID-19 response are engaging regularly with employers and other interest groups and listening to their concerns. Officials are urgently looking at further options to provide flexibility to visa conditions for temporary work visa holders and providing advice to the Government. The Government is actively considering a range of options and will make decisions as soon as possible. However, the priority at the moment is on ensuring the continuation of essential services.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Thanks for the feedback

    Do you think I should contact the email on another thread about living in New Zealand illegally?

    I was officially made redundant last Monday however my employer has agreed to increase the notice period until june 17th and will be paying me the covid grant so I’m unsure because I’m no longer working for the company that would mean that I’m in breach of visa conditions and technically illegal?

    On a side note I may have found employment in Christchurch when this is over however my work visa ties me to Auckland. My job title is on the construction shortage list for Christchurch only does this mean I’ll be able to vary the conditions of my current visa being it’s on a list or would I have to change the entire visa?

    Thanks for the information everyone’s sending it’s really helpful

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    new zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Scotfraser View Post
    Thanks for the feedback

    Do you think I should contact the email on another thread about living in New Zealand illegally?

    I was officially made redundant last Monday however my employer has agreed to increase the notice period until june 17th and will be paying me the covid grant so I’m unsure because I’m no longer working for the company that would mean that I’m in breach of visa conditions and technically illegal?

    On a side note I may have found employment in Christchurch when this is over however my work visa ties me to Auckland. My job title is on the construction shortage list for Christchurch only does this mean I’ll be able to vary the conditions of my current visa being it’s on a list or would I have to change the entire visa?

    Thanks for the information everyone’s sending it’s really helpful
    If your employer has extended the notice period until mid-June. You're technically still employed by them until that date.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    New Zealand

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Very true. Everything that is said there applies equally to the situation in the UK, where, prior to the arrival of the pandemic, the government had been planning to tighten up migration requirements, and whose talk had fuelled a toxic, divisive attitude in unthinking people.

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