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Thread: Concerns about impacts on employer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    New Zealand

    Question Concerns about impacts on employer

    Dear JandM and Erin,

    I am quite worried about how will INZ assess the sustainability of employer after Covid-19. Apparently, most companies will be unprofitable in the next months and INZ consistently requires the employer profitable for SMC assessment in most circumstance. Will they make changes to the criteria? Otherwise, many applicants may fail under the impacts of Covid-19 on enterprises in NZ.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    You are asking us to read the future, and that is impossible.

    The government is urgently bringing in laws right now to try to limit the spread of the epidemic. They're not concerned at the moment with ANYTHING else. When the emergency is over, whether that is in three months, six months, or longer, there is going to be a lot of sorting out to be done, in all areas of life, as things are gradually moved back to normal, and everything to do with how the INZ regulations applied will be just ONE of those things. When the time comes, the government will make decisions and give new instructions to INZ. They'll make announcements at that time. Until then, it will be a matter of wait and see.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    You are asking us to read the future, and that is impossible.

    The government is urgently bringing in laws right now to try to limit the spread of the epidemic. They're not concerned at the moment with ANYTHING else. When the emergency is over, whether that is in three months, six months, or longer, there is going to be a lot of sorting out to be done, in all areas of life, as things are gradually moved back to normal, and everything to do with how the INZ regulations applied will be just ONE of those things. When the time comes, the government will make decisions and give new instructions to INZ. They'll make announcements at that time. Until then, it will be a matter of wait and see.
    Thank you, JandM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2019


    Need advice as I am informed by my employer about restructure at this stage and called for discussion on Friday through zoom. If either they restructure or do lay off what will we need to do. If there is a pay cut what will happen?

    I am currently on Essential skill visa till dec 2021 and my family visa is under me.
    Residency lodged in Dec 18. stll no Co.

    Very scared ..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    New Zealand


    So what is going on if the applicant gets redundancy after the application lodged due to thew Covid-19 impact?
    The longer time to wait for allocation, the riskier and situation changed accrued. Perharps this is the trick they are playing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    new zealand


    No one is trying to trick anyone. These are unprecedented times. The government is doing the best it can to protect health workers and hospitals. INZ are not an essential service (except border services), it wasn't them who decided that. As for what will happen if you lose your job before you get your residency approved – that will depend on the visa you are on right now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    New Zealand


    So much of how INZ will react to the changes that these unprecedented times bring is completely unknown. So much of the impact of this lockdown and what will happen in the months that follow will last long into the future. So it stands to reason that INZ will take these impacts into account in assessing the sustainability of companies going forward. The downturn in business that so many are experiencing is explainable and verifiable - and so widespread that it would be impossible for INZ not to take it into account. But what that will look like in terms of any changes to the immigration instructions remains to be seen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by EGoodhue View Post
    So much of how INZ will react to the changes that these unprecedented times bring is completely unknown. So much of the impact of this lockdown and what will happen in the months that follow will last long into the future. So it stands to reason that INZ will take these impacts into account in assessing the sustainability of companies going forward. The downturn in business that so many are experiencing is explainable and verifiable - and so widespread that it would be impossible for INZ not to take it into account. But what that will look like in terms of any changes to the immigration instructions remains to be seen.
    Thank you, Erin. Hope we could see the changes soon. So many people got stuck by the situation now.

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