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Thread: Stronger visa law powers to government

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    Quote Originally Posted by deverett View Post
    It's when they choose to write their own paperwork because they know better than the experts you get problems.
    See: South African politicians.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Hi Igen.
    I am in the same situation too. JSV will expire end of this year. I have emailed INZ officer and they said there is no extension for now.
    Lucky to have this really help getting current updates on immigration situation in NZ.
    thank you guys for your kind co-operation in this forum

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Lower Hutt


    Quote Originally Posted by deverett View Post
    To be fair how many politicians aren't out of their depth. Michael Gove in the UK was in charge of schools for a while and then health. He had no idea what he was doing in either. Unfortunately it's the nature of politics, they don't tend to get given departments to look after that they understand, a good politician needs to actual consult the experts and listen to them almost being a fall guy that just signs the paperwork. It's when they choose to write their own paperwork because they know better than the experts you get problems. You can bet the health minister has never worked in the health sector, education minister never worked in a school and Iain Lees-Galloway has never been an immigrant or worked at INZ.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frankgo View Post
    He is a clown that got a job that is clearly out of his capabilities.

    In a private company he would be in deep trouble by now.
    This assumes (and I'm aware that my tinfoil hat is showing here) that the Minister is trying to facilitate immigration and not hinder it.

    At the last election the Labour party campaigned on reducing immigration, and they formed a government with New Zealand First, an avowedly anti-immigration party. I wouldn't be surprised if the stories of INZ's application backlog play quite well with some parts of the electorate. In that sense, from a political perspective, the Minister may be doing a 'good' job.

    Obviously it's an extremely underhand way of going about it, and very, very unfair on us who have applications waiting to be processed. But then we can't vote, so what does the government care?

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    New Zealand


    If only someone could look at the numbers, and prove that they can actually sway the results, the politicians might start noticing the power of SMC applicants.

    All the primary applicants would be eligible to vote, if they get the residency. And, remembering all the trouble they have been subjected to by the current govt. I don't think many would vote for them.

    And if there are actually significant numbers, the govt might start noticing the SMC applicants again.

    Just my thoughts.

    Quote Originally Posted by karoro View Post
    This assumes (and I'm aware that my tinfoil hat is showing here) that the Minister is trying to facilitate immigration and not hinder it.

    At the last election the Labour party campaigned on reducing immigration, and they formed a government with New Zealand First, an avowedly anti-immigration party. I wouldn't be surprised if the stories of INZ's application backlog play quite well with some parts of the electorate. In that sense, from a political perspective, the Minister may be doing a 'good' job.

    Obviously it's an extremely underhand way of going about it, and very, very unfair on us who have applications waiting to be processed. But then we can't vote, so what does the government care?

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