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Thread: Emotional support animal via USA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand

    Default Emotional support animal via USA


    I’ve looked extensively online but keep getting contradicting information as well as different information from different airlines.

    I am looking to make the move from NZ back to the UK with my miniature dachshund. I suffer with depression and anxiety so I would like my dog to travel as an emotional support animal. Apparently it’s only possible via the USA so thinking of booking 1 ticket from Auckland to San Fran then another from San Fran to London.

    Has anyone done this or know any info?? Super appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I haven't seen anyone mention having done this. I found this article, stating that UK airlines don't allow emotional support animals to travel in the cabin but that some foreign ones do at their discretion - so I'm not surprised at the mixed messages you're getting. And this is another one. Although on there, a couple of pet owners report having managed to get their dogs to travel in the cabin (by the sound of it, for the dogs' sake, NOT that they are actually emotional support animals for real), bear in mind that right now, not only are many flights just not happening because of the pandemic, but also, the UK is probably going to be subject to more restrictions, including non-recognition of some pet passports, on travel from Europe (a detour some people have recommended with their animals) as of 31st December 2020.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    NZ (Auckland; via Canada)


    Emotional support animals aren't a thing outside the US: pet in cabin policies vary by airlines, destinations, and class of service. Best you start with the websites of the airlines that you might travel and read their pet policies. But your mental health won't be a consideration.

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