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Thread: Moving dogs from Canada via USA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Moving dogs from Canada via USA

    I moved my dog from USA to Auckland in 2006. Sadly Howie (my user namesake) died at age 15 in Auckland. I also shipped 2 dogs from NZ to Canada (via USA). So i understand the complexities and the worry of getting everything just right.
    I'm back in Canada now and considering moving 2 dogs to NZ. Trying to sort out if I'm still looking at 6 month lead time, requirements for shipping from Canada through USA (there are no direct flights anymore), recommendations for a shipping company, etc.
    Has anyone moved dogs recently and could help me out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Hello, and welcome back here.

    I haven't seen anybody mention anything about shipping their animals on the forum for some time. For the last two or three years, there has been a huge backlog in issuing visas (because of a bungled reorganization of INZ, political stuff, and then coronavirus and the border closures round the world), so there have been far fewer people than we'd been used to making the move, without talking about their four-legged family. As far as I've heard, there hasn't been any big change in the NZ regulations lately - anyway, it's all here. Is there anybody out there who's gone through the process recently, and can help?

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