Anything out of the ordinary with your application?
Anything out of the ordinary with your application?
Have you written an email to the case officer processing your application? I think she will be able to provide more accurate updates compared to the person on the phone at the contact centre.
Every application goes to the minister. Unless it’s an unusual case they get approved by the minister in batches.
I emailed my case officer today and was advised that she had finished processing, and that it had been sent off for validation and I can expect to hear from the team within next month. The tone is really positive.
Not much information is provided regarding the process. The policy document said the vast majority of applications are approved via schedule (list of names), by a senior Departmental official who holds delegated authority. Only 200-300 applications which don’t clearly meet all requirements will be submitted to the Minister (submission). So either way, the Minister is the final decision maker, via delegated authority or by personally considering the submissions.
My guess of the process would be something like this:
1/ Application is allocated to a citizenship officer
2/ The citizenship officer assesses the criteria set out in section 8 of the Act, by cross checking with Immigration NZ and other government departments. The officer also sends an email to confirm the address, DOB, legal name, place of birth.
3/ If the citizenship officer is satisfied that the applicant meets all the requirements, the file will be sent off for validation.
*not sure what validation means here - may be a 2PC like INZ does for residence visa?*
4/ A list of names will then be signed by a delegated authority of the Minister.
5/ The Department emails the people on the list that their applications had been approved.
6/ The certificate is printed and posted.
The usage of word here probably causes the confusion, especially when you talked to the contact centre on the phone.
Hi guys
I recall that I 've read somewhere amongst our citizenship threads that calling DIA will give you the date you're eligible to apply and I just gave them a call and they told me to just wait for 5 years (I got RV in May 2017 and they told me to check back the presence calculator tool in May this year)what a rookie.
Out of frustration, I'm just posting to ask whether any of you has been given the eligible date from a phone call with them? If yes, I might try calling them again and hope for a better responding officer. Thanks all
Nah I even got different answers on how factors impact eligibility. Just calculate it yourself and check the tool once you think you're eligible. For me it came up as eligible one day after my own calculation.
The latest OIA states:
From Jan 2021 to Mar 2021, the Department received 3,288 paper applications, and 1,075 have had an outcome.
In the same period, 5,283 online applications were submitted. Around 23% have had an outcome (1,205).
From the govt website, we know all January applications have had an outcome. So that’s 831 paper applications.
So 1,075 - 831 = 244 Feb paper applications have had an outcome as well.
We know from a previous OIA, there are 919 Feb paper applications.
Tldr; for those applied in Feb 2021 (in person or by post), 244 (26.7%) had an outcome, 675 (73.3%) are still waiting.
Assuming FIFO, the first week of Feb 2021 paper applications should all have an outcome now. Second, third, and fourth weeks of Feb 2021 would be coming soon.