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Thread: citizenship presence calculator with error code 213

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    New Zealand

    Default citizenship presence calculator with error code 213

    Hi everyone,

    I am reaching out to see if someone is on the same boat with me.

    I used the presence calculator and get response with error code 213 which is bizzar. According to the presence calculator formula, only step 1 or step 3 will give error 213, impling either I don't have residency visa or I have not been NZ ever since I got my residency.

    For context:
    I got my residency on 3rd July 2018, and my travel movement as follows:
    1. 17 March 2023 -> 16 March 2022, 365 days (no travel)

    2. 17 March 2022 -> 16 March 2021, 365 days (no travel)

    3. 17 March 2021 -> 16 March 2020, 366 days (no travel)

    4. 17 March 2020 -> 16 March 2019, 365 days (no travel)

    5. 17 March 2019 -> 3 July 2018, 257 days - 14 days overseas = 243 days

    Departure 31 July 2018, Arrival 07 August 2018 &
    Departure 01 Oct 2018, Arrival 07 Oct 2018

    I have total 1703 days within 5 years with each year reside more than 240 days in NZ.

    I have asked friends who are not met presence requirements, all their response code is either 216 or 211. non of them is 213.

    I have called INZ and confirmed my visa, also called citizenship office but they asked me to just wait until it's eligible.

    I don't think the error code will change based on my knowledge even wait until my 5th anniversary. Should I just apply and go through the manual processing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    Reading between the lines, there may be a data issue with your travel movements causing this error. You can request INZ's records of your travel movements (you can expect a written response within 20 working days) and take things from there. (You may also request your full visa history at the same time, if you believe the issue may lie there.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Where do these error codes display? On there are no error codes shown when I checked.
    All it shows is a message ( like "you current meet the presence requi......." etc.) in plain English text and no numbers or whatsoever.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    New Zealand


    Hi Kelerei,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have requested travel movements last year and all the movements are accurate.

    I called INZ twice today and then I found out the potential issue.

    I applied a work visa during my residency application as my previous work visa expiring. The visa history in online service is my work visa rather than my residency visa.
    Based on the calculator algorithm, it's an instant failure. calculator-step1.jpg

    Immigration officer suggested me to drop an official letter to ask for further investigation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    New Zealand


    You need to check the network tab to find the response of the request.

    Here is the step:
    1. Before you submit your information to the calculator, push F12 or right click you mouse and choose "Inspect" in the menu
    2. choose the network tab within the developer tool brought up by step 1;
    3. Type your information and click submit
    4. wait for the result and choose the item with `presencecalculator` name and type as XHR
    5. choose the response tab within the window pop up from step 4

    Hope it helps. That's how software engineers detect the response from a request.
    Last edited by SprySpring0776; 17th March 2023 at 10:27 PM. Reason: fix error

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by SprySpring0776 View Post
    You need to check the network tab to find the response of the request.

    Here is the step:
    1. Before you submit your information to the calculator, push F12 or right click you mouse and choose "Inspect" in the menu
    2. choose the network tab within the developer tool brought up by step 1;
    3. Type your information and click submit
    4. wait for the result and choose the item with `presencecalculator` name and type as XHR
    5. choose the response tab within the window pop up from step 4

    Hope it helps. That's how software engineers detect the response from a request.
    Hi, thanks, appreciate it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    Quote Originally Posted by SprySpring0776 View Post
    Hi Kelerei,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have requested travel movements last year and all the movements are accurate.

    I called INZ twice today and then I found out the potential issue.

    I applied a work visa during my residency application as my previous work visa expiring. The visa history in online service is my work visa rather than my residency visa.
    Based on the calculator algorithm, it's an instant failure. calculator-step1.jpg

    Immigration officer suggested me to drop an official letter to ask for further investigation.
    Makes sense, then.

    This would then almost certainly be a situation where manual processing would be required, were you to lodge your citizenship application now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    New Zealand


    Considering the current average manual processing time being 16 months (stated on DIA website), I think it's very unfair for me to wait such long time due to a system error.

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion! I will wait until their further investigation feedback.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2023
    New Zealand


    Quote Originally Posted by Kelerei View Post
    Makes sense, then.

    This would then almost certainly be a situation where manual processing would be required, were you to lodge your citizenship application now.
    Considering the current average manual processing time being 16 months (stated on DIA website), I think it's very unfair for me to wait such long time due to a system error.

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion! I will wait until their further investigation feedback.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    new zealand


    Right, I think I should just make myself at home at your thread... Reading through the specs now I'm pretty sure we're really in the same boat, Not eligible due to visa!

    Please update here on whatever actions you have taken..

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