I would like to see how long does it take for people to get residency after applying to it (not EOI but residency application)
Sorry if there is any other sub thread for that if so please guide me
I would like to see how long does it take for people to get residency after applying to it (not EOI but residency application)
Sorry if there is any other sub thread for that if so please guide me
From your previous posts, I'm assuming Skilled Migrant Category.
The timelines in terms of your application being allocated to an Immigration Officer are published here:
At present, if you meet the criteria for priority allocation, your application will be allocated to an Immigration Officer as soon as it is lodged. If you do not meet the criteria for priority allocation, your application should be allocated to an Immigration Officer within 3-4 months, but this may fluctuate based on volume of allocations (I expect there to be a flood of applications shortly with the new criteria for the Skilled Migrant Category having been recently announced, which will impact these timelines).
Once allocated to an Immigration Officer, the timeline becomes highly variable, such that it is impossible for me to give you any answer beyond this point. The complexity of your application, your personal circumstances, how easily your supporting evidence can be validated, etc. will all be factors here. There are no timelines currently published by INZ for assessing your application once it is allocated. In the past, this has taken anywhere from a few weeks (e.g. my application in 2019) to the better part of a year (mostly those poor sods where a National Security Check has been required).
When someone gets visa and live continuously inside NZ why national security check? or better to say why it takes so long?!
Information about the National Security Check is classified, and as such we know very little about it. All we know is from anecdotal evidence from those who have been asked to fill out the form.
One of the things we do know is that it involves INZ making extensive and exhaustive checks with various external agencies. As I'm sure you can imagine, this is why it can take considerable time.
Here (edited out) is an old thread with pages of discussion and other people's experiences with NSC.
An important point to note is that NSC is not overseen by INZ, but another NZ government department, so INZ COs and clerks have no control or influence over what is happening, nor over who is told to submit their details for checking.
You are really great in answering. Thanks.Here (edited out) is an old thread with pages of discussion and other people's experiences with NSC.
An important point to note is that NSC is not overseen by INZ, but another NZ government department, so INZ COs and clerks have no control or influence over what is happening, nor over who is told to submit their details for checking.
Is this zoom link?! is that a correct link?
Oops, wrong link. I will edit that out - you don't want to come in on our Italian conversation! Now to find the right old thread again...