Awesome thank you, I guess the only thing left is to figure out her 'return flight' to London before arriving in NZ, otherwise they won't let her in the country if she only arrives here using a one-way ticket. I figured if we buy a cheap flight to Australia (with Australian visa) instead of London that should satisfy NZ customs when they ask if she has a flight out of NZ? since you don't need an exit flight when arriving in Australia, according to the embassy website:

There is no requirement to have a return ticket when you arrive in Australia. However officers at the border need to be satisfied that visitors, working holiday maker and temporary residents are intending to and have the means to depart Australia before their visa expires. While not a mandatory requirement, you may wish to carry a copy of your bank statement to demonstrate you have sufficient funds to purchase an airline ticket to depart Australia.

I'm assuming NZ customs won't ask how she's leaving Australia? their only concern would be if she has a way to leave NZ right? i would rather buy a $300 ticket to Australia instead of a $2000 ticket to London :\ because she won't actually be traveling once we are in the interim visa phase and awaiting partnership application, and we aren't keen to spend $2000 for a flight to London that she obviously won't be taking, the ticket out of NZ is purely so they can let her in the country, then we will begin partnership process.

Does this sound feasible or is it too risky? hope this makes sense.