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Thread: Curious to know what and h ow does third party check applicants!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2022

    Default Curious to know what and h ow does third party check applicants!

    I would appreciate someone clear this for me. Just curious. I am not talking about why though it has another discussion.
    Someone got visa recently and came to NZ and after a year wants to apply for residency. I understand countries like China, Iran, Cuba and like these are restricted with a little info to achieve for security officers. However, I want to know exactly what does it mean by third party?!
    My officer told me it might take substantial amount of time. Ok I see but i believe this is an excuse for just giving the residency late. If someone got visa recently and one year all has lived in NZ without leaving then why need third party as already did for visa?!
    Anyway, how they check specifically in those countries. I am sure I am clean at all and this is why I asked this question as being curious. They are spies? They are working inside those countries government? If someone is the citizen of those countries understand what I am talking about and how it is hard to get info or even mis info!
    If someone hires by a government it is so easy to do it without any sign.
    Anyway, who are they and how they get info?

    Again sorry for asking here as I am curious and a bit sad! Though I respect all the rules but this makes life hard actually!
    Last edited by Torki; 28th October 2023 at 11:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    If you're talking about a National Security Check, this thread here has quite a bit of information and guesswork (because detailed information is confidential - not like the procedures for processing visas). Three things I said over there...
    There are many immigration questions of the 'why?' sort to which we have no answer. It boils down to this - if you want a visa and INZ says jump, you jump.
    The trigger appears to be (since it's never made publicly known officially) that someone has citizenship of, or has worked in, any country that has, or has had, a repressive regime which infringes human rights, or apparent links with terrorism.
    What they are after is reassurance that the applicant never worked in any position where they were personally responsible for or involved in the suspect activities.
    The checks in this case rely on hearing from the foreign government what work the person did while in that country. Of course, this doesn't matter much to them, and they take their own sweet time, and the NZ authorities have no way of hurrying things up.

    If you're talking about 'third party checks' for some aspect of a visa, the CO is going to be writing to anyone in a position to know that what you said about yourself is true. For instance, 'Yes, Mr X did attend our university between this date and that date, and was awarded a bachelor's degree in (whatever subject),' or, 'Yes, Mr X worked for our company as a project director responsible for Y between this date and that date.' The time this takes often can be stretched by the people not seeing anything particularly urgent about replying to the CO, who can't go on until each item has been satisfactorily ticked off.

    As for your thinking "it's an excuse", no doubt you'll believe what you want. However, all of this is nothing personal to you, or any individual applicant. Everyone is in the same boat. Nobody has it in for the foreigner wanting a visa, or is trying to be unkind to them. The government has set procedures, and the officials have to follow them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by JandM View Post
    If you're talking about a National Security Check, this thread here has quite a bit of information and guesswork (because detailed information is confidential - not like the procedures for processing visas). Three things I said over there...

    The checks in this case rely on hearing from the foreign government what work the person did while in that country. Of course, this doesn't matter much to them, and they take their own sweet time, and the NZ authorities have no way of hurrying things up.

    If you're talking about 'third party checks' for some aspect of a visa, the CO is going to be writing to anyone in a position to know that what you said about yourself is true. For instance, 'Yes, Mr X did attend our university between this date and that date, and was awarded a bachelor's degree in (whatever subject),' or, 'Yes, Mr X worked for our company as a project director responsible for Y between this date and that date.' The time this takes often can be stretched by the people not seeing anything particularly urgent about replying to the CO, who can't go on until each item has been satisfactorily ticked off.

    As for your thinking "it's an excuse", no doubt you'll believe what you want. However, all of this is nothing personal to you, or any individual applicant. Everyone is in the same boat. Nobody has it in for the foreigner wanting a visa, or is trying to be unkind to them. The government has set procedures, and the officials have to follow them.

    Thank you very much bro! I meant third party check as officer mentioned exactly this one. I believe this is beyond working periods and etc. Specifically since i have nationality with unfortunately lived in those countries you mentioned maybe this is mostly check about background and this is I asked who does this for nz government really and who could that unless you have very powerful spying system in that governemtns or people who have access to everything.
    Anyway I was and have been always curious about what is going to be chekced and mostly how they do that really specifically for specific countries!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2022


    Still waiting from `1st of september

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