Unfortunately, this forum cannot assist you with this request. We may provide you with the eligibility criteria for particular immigration categories as it is represented on the INZ website, but we may not assist you to intepret that information as it applies to your own circumstances. This would be "providing immigration advice", and only a licensed immigration advisor or person exempt from licensing may do so -- and none of these exemptions apply to any member of this forum.
Please read
this post for more information on this.
Any question you have on how to meet eligibility criteria, whether or not you meet eligibility criteria, and the like must be directed to a Licensed Immigration Advisor.
All I can answer is this:
... and all I can legally answer is: you may apply for the Accredited Employer Work Visa if it meets your intended purpose in New Zealand, and if you meet the criteria for this visa. I can also tell you that this forum has experiences of people that have themselves had to move from a partnership-based work visa to an employment-based work visa.
And this is all that anyone on this forum is legally permitted to tell you. We cannot tell you if the AEWV meets your intended purpose in New Zealand, and we cannot tell you if you may meet the criteria for the AEWV: this is providing immigration advice, which is illegal for us to to. The nature of your question is such that directly answering it would put us in violation of the
Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007. It's not that we don't want to help you, it's that the nature of your question is such that we would be breaking the law by doing so.
Once more, I strongly recommend that you engage the services of a Licensed Immigration Advisor to answer questions such as these.