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Thread: Expired Passport and PR application

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Wellington, NZ

    Default Expired Passport and PR application

    Hi folks

    I have a US passport which has expired, and a NZ residency visa.

    I need to get a new (US) passport and also to apply for my PR (I've put this off for years due to the cost).

    Do I get the new passport and pay for another Resident visa to be put in the new passport and then apply for the PR, or is the resident visa still valid on the old passport? This is probably a dumb question, but better to ask

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    Your Resident Visa is valid indefinitely, but will (for obvious reasons) need to be transferred to a valid passport if you intend to travel.

    I recall another forum member in a similar position to yours: they obtained their new passport first, then simply provided the details of their new passport in their Permanent Resident Visa application and sent the new passport along with the application (this was when the Permanent Resident Visa was still a paper-based application). This is consistent with the mandatory lodgement criteria for a Permanent Resident Visa (RV1.10.10) in which reference is only made to "the applicant's passport", and if read in conjunction with the definition of a passport at A2.1.1, it should be clear that INZ would expect the applicant's current passport and not a previously expired one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2024


    I'll jump in with a related expired passport question, if you don't mind: a search through the operations manual did not bring anything up. Perhaps, the question is too specific.

    The reference above covers "travel documents" and applicant's passport. What happens if the applicant is a dual national? E.g. my wife has got a UK passport, is resident in UK and will be applying for an NZ visa/pr as a UK citizen. She is also a Bulgarian national, albeit her passport has expired. When applying for an NZ visa, does she:
    - Have to disclose all nationalities, even if application is being lodged as UK national? Presumably, yes.
    - In which case, does she need to support the application with a valid, in-date passport for the second nationality?

    My reasonable expectation that it's "yes" to both, but all I could find is that NZ allows multiple nationalities if you're applying for an NZ passport - not directly relevant to getting a visa. The "travel documents" above seem to only define the passport you're traveling under, so in this case, it's UK only, as that's the one being used for travel.

    Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    Quote Originally Posted by wholelotashakin View Post
    I'll jump in with a related expired passport question, if you don't mind: a search through the operations manual did not bring anything up. Perhaps, the question is too specific.

    The reference above covers "travel documents" and applicant's passport. What happens if the applicant is a dual national? E.g. my wife has got a UK passport, is resident in UK and will be applying for an NZ visa/pr as a UK citizen. She is also a Bulgarian national, albeit her passport has expired. When applying for an NZ visa, does she:
    - Have to disclose all nationalities, even if application is being lodged as UK national? Presumably, yes.
    - In which case, does she need to support the application with a valid, in-date passport for the second nationality?

    My reasonable expectation that it's "yes" to both, but all I could find is that NZ allows multiple nationalities if you're applying for an NZ passport - not directly relevant to getting a visa. The "travel documents" above seem to only define the passport you're traveling under, so in this case, it's UK only, as that's the one being used for travel.

    Thank you.
    Take a look at some paper application forms (e.g. the INZ 1000 form used by a person making a paper application for a Resident Visa under the Family Category). This may answer your question.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2024


    Thank you very much!

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