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Thread: I have job offer from accredited employer?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2024

    Exclamation I have job offer from accredited employer?

    Hi there

    I am from Georgia (Country). I am a Master Barber I am on a visitor visa in New Zealand.

    as I asked visa officer about looking for jobs before entering NZ he said I could look for a work with this visa then apply for work visa.

    All the Barbershops I go and demonstrate my skills, they are highly keen to hire me. but before applying for work visa, I got some questions to know otherwise I dont want to waste my time being suspicious that I will get my visa refused.

    The main problem I mean the only and one problem for me right now is that I have certificate from Georgia (Country) but New Zeland government does not recognize it and My country doesnt give any diploma or any experince based papers that New Zealand could recognize. so in short my certificate is nothing but trash in New Zealand but my skills are suffiecnt enough to start the job some accredited employers already contact me back to expect me to start process asap but knowing I get refusal after waiting for visa because I cannot prove on paper puts me back.

    Please can anyone who knows or has experience guide me what to do?

    Best Regards.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    For the Accredited Employer Work Visa, you must demonstrate that you have the minimum skills required for the role, and per WA4.10.6 this means that either:

    • you must be able to demonstrate three years or more of relevant work experience with sufficient evidence from a third party; or
    • you have a relevant qualification at Level 4 or higher on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).

    If you want to rely on your foreign qualification certificate, you need to approach the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and request an International Qualification Assessment. They will assess your qualification and provide you with a report stating what it is equivalent to on the NZQCF: this report can then be provided with your foreign certificate to INZ.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2024


    Cases involving the Minister of Immigration can be found at

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