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Thread: Entrepreneur visa - What is the experience like?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2024
    Austin, Texas USA

    Default Entrepreneur visa - What is the experience like?

    I'm a US citizen considering moving to NZ, likely Auckland area with my live in girlfriend, our dog and 3 cats.

    The Entrepreneur visa is my bet. I already looked through how to apply and made sure I would qualify. I am more interested in hearing personal experience of people who went through this themselves. I would love to hear what it was like. Did you have any issues submitting any sort of reporting that was required? Did you find a good local lawyer to help?

    I am going to be founding a games studio for reference, likely in early 2026 due to the length of the process. So, any tech related startup stories are extra appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Colorado ->Richmond


    We came in 2014 under what was then called the long-term business visa. We read the immigration manual, made sure we did everything by the book, and were successful. Now citizens and have renounced our US citizenship. No regrets. From what we've learned since then is we are one of the successful 10%! Yep, only about 1 in 10 make it through the business/entrepreneur route! Running a business here in NZ is very, very different than running a business in the US. From complex, very pro employee employment law, different marketing strategies than the US, and just an overall different way of life it is easy to run astray. Personally I would recommend a small town with a large international presence. We chose Nelson for that very reason and have found it very rewarding from making long term friendships, an easier transition into the kiwi way of life, and a great support network. Remember, if not successful in your venture you stand to lose a lot! Every year there are the 'boo-hoo' articles about someone being forced to leave due to not gaining residence in their business visa; it is a hard lesson but immigration doesn't make exceptions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    New Zealand


    Moving to NZ on an Entrepreneur Visa can be rewarding but comes with challenges. Many find the reporting requirements strict, especially proving business viability and financials. A good local lawyer helps navigate compliance. Auckland has a growing tech scene, but hiring can be tricky. Game dev startups face competition but benefit from NZ's innovation-friendly policies and potential government grants.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    New Zealand


    How is everything going now?

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