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Thread: Is it really okay to leave NZ before one visa expires and the next one comes through?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2025
    New Zealand

    Default Is it really okay to leave NZ before one visa expires and the next one comes through?

    I am an American who is currently in NZ on a Partner of a NZer Work Visa. This visa expires May 21, 2025. On January 7, 2025, on the one year anniversary of living with my partner (who is Kiwi), I applied for the Partner of a NZer Resident Visa. Currently, 80% of this visa type are approved within 7 months. Because my work visa will most likely expire before my resident visa comes through, my options are to either renew my work visa or to leave NZ before my work visa expires and return when my resident visa is approved. Rather than renew my work visa, I would like to return to the States for that period of time (mid-May through early August), but a friend of mine and her partner were in the exact same situation and their period of separation raised red flags with Immigration. Would I be fine to leave NZ for a few months rather than to stay and renew my work visa?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    New Zealand


    "friend of mine and her partner were in the exact same situation and their period of separation raised red flags with Immigration"

    I think this part has the answer to your question.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2025
    New Zealand


    I just found out that their situation was in fact a bit different from mine. So I’ll rephrase the question minus the part about my friend.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    New Zealand (ex: South Africa)


    What you are proposing is technically possible, but do note that a period of separation may be viewed by INZ as a possible indicator that the relationship may not be genuine or stable. The onus is on you to provide enough evidence to INZ to overcome this.

    Take a look at F2.30.1 to see how periods of separation are assessed, and F2.20.15(b) for the evidence that INZ expects of you to prove the stability of your relationship despite the period of separation.

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