Rents and Rentals in Wellington

Houses in Wellington
Houses in Wellington

Wellington Area Weekly Rent For 2 Bedroom Houses – Unfurnished

Kapiti Coast – Paraparaumu / Raumati$410$437$465
Kapiti Coast – Waikanae / Otaki$380$400$430
Lower Hutt – Eastern Bays$423$520$615
Lower Hutt – Epuni / Avalon$445$480$522
Lower Hutt – Haywards / Western Hills$440$455$492
Lower Hutt – Hutt Central / Waterloo$470$500$525
Lower Hutt – Petone West / Alicetown$440$487$530
Lower Hutt – Taita / Naenae$420$460$477
Lower Hutt – Wainuiomata$350$400$420
Porirua – Papakowhai /Whitby / Pauatahanui$471$520$562
Porirua – Paremata / Mana / Pukerua Bay$447$470$522
Porirua – Porirua East / Waitangirua$400$425$470
Porirua – Titahi Bay / Onepoto / Elsdon$395$460$480
Upper Hutt – Totara Park / Maoribank / Te Marua$400$440$485
Upper Hutt – Trentham West / Eldersley / Clouston Park$400$437$475
Wellington – Brooklyn$502$550$622
Wellington – Island Bay / Melrose$475$565$630
Wellington – Johnsonville / Newlands$480$510$550
Wellington – Karori$440$472$515
Wellington – Kelburn / Aro Valley$552$592$645
Wellington – Khandallah$491$500$570
Wellington – Miramar / Strathmore$480$595$690
Wellington – Mt Victoria / Roseneath$600$690$731
Wellington – Oriental Bay / Seatoun$600$692$7507
Wellington – Tawa / Grenada North$430$450$485
Wellington – Vogeltown / Berhampore / Newtown$500$550$597
Wellington – Wadestown / Thordon$560$635$665

Wellington Area Weekly Rent For 3 Bedroom houses – Unfurnished

Kapiti Coast – Paraparaumu / Raumati$471$510$548
Kapiti Coast – Waikanae / Otaki$437$480$530
Lower Hutt – Eastern Bays$525$655$700
Lower Hutt – Epuni / Avalon$530$585$650
Lower Hutt – Haywards / Western Hills$542$595$623
Lower Hutt – Hutt Central / Waterloo$582$620$650
Lower Hutt – Petone West / Alicetown$540$612$650
Lower Hutt – Taita / Naenae$496$520$577
Lower Hutt – Wainuiomata$490$500$525
Porirua – Papakowhai / Whitby / Pauatahanui$580$645$690
Porirua – Paremata / Mana / Pukerua Bay$543$585$625
Porirua – Porirua East / Waitangirua$440$490$538
Porirua – Titahi Bay / Onepoto / Elsdon$500$527$600
Upper Hutt – Totara Park / Maoribank / Te Marua$487$530$560
Upper Hutt – Trentham West / Eldersley / Clouston Park$500$550$600
Wellington – Brooklyn$640$700$812
Wellington – Island Bay / Melrose$650$700$785
Wellington – Johnsonville / Newlands$570$600$650
Wellington – Karori$568$600$731
Wellington – Kelburn / Aro Valley$700$780$810
Wellington – Khandallah$550$600$670
Wellington – Miramar / Strathmore$632$685$730
Wellington – Mt Victoria / Roseneath$675$820$940
Wellington – Oriental Bay / Seatoun$753$810$891
Wellington – Tawa / Grenada North$550$600$600
Wellington – Vogeltown / Berhampore / Newtown$657$700$750
Wellington – Wadestown / Thordon$710$820$895

The prices above were recorded during the six months to 30 September 2020.

From the selection displayed, the Tenancy Services Division figures show that in the Wellington area the most expensive average rent for a two bedroomed house is in the Wellington suburbs of Oriental Bay / Seatoun costing $692 per week. The cheapest is in Lower Hutt – Wainuiomata costing $400 per week.

For a three bedroomed house in the Wellington area, the most expensive average rent is in the Wellington suburbs of Mt Victoria / Roseneath and Wadestown / Thordon costing $820 per week. One of the cheapest suburbs is in Porirua – Porirua East / Waitangirua costing $490 per week.

Figures from Trade Me Property for August 2020 showed that the average (median) rent for a three / four bedroomed property in Wellington was $640 per week and for a one / two bedroomed property was $500 per week.

Return to the Rentals New Zealand Main Page of find flat rents in Wellington.

• Cheaper: One-quarter of properties rent for less than this price.
• Average: This is the median price
• Dearer: One-quarter of properties rent for more than this price.

Properties are often let from January for 12 months, hence there is often an increase in rents at the beginning of the year.

The data shows market rents for non-government owned properties for which Tenancy Services holds information. Any category that has less than five bonds lodged has been excluded, to prevent individual properties being identified. Data courtesy of the Tenancy Services Division of the New Zealand Government’s Ministry of Housing.

5 thoughts on “Rents and Rentals in Wellington”

  1. Hi,
    You listing doesn’t include Central Wellington (Kelburn area). What would be the cost of an unfurnished 3 bedroom house on Kelburn?

  2. Hi. I am looking for a 2 or 3 bedroom house or f;lat for me and my son. I am 47 years ol and my son is 23 years old. We are looking for a place for us because we are living in a 1 bedroom flat with my daughter and her 2 children and it is getting really cramped up in the flat. She also has 2 extra adults as well living under the same as we are. Please help me and my son to look for a place somewhere in porirua please. The amount of rent that I can pay is between $150 to $250 a week and my son will help me pay for the power and food. Thank you.

  3. Hi,

    Market rents for 5 bedroomed houses in Tawa are not easily available from the Tenancy Services Division as the number of bonds received is very low for this property type. However in the July – December 2012 period, 6 bonds were received for 5 bedroomed houses. The average market rent was $515 per week (upper quartile $530 and lower quartile $440).

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